Financial support and funding
International Induction ProgrammeThis page details the various funding and support options that participants on the International Induction Programme (IIP) are eligible for.
What support is available?
Participants on the IIP programme are eligible for funding as follows:
- If the doctor requires a Health and Care Worker visa to work in the UK during the clinical placement stage or chooses to undertake the programme whilst employed, NHS England (NHSE) will reimburse your employing practice for your salary costs. This will be equivalent to the monthly bursary currently available under the programmes
- For doctors undertaking placements on the programme, NHS England will provide a bursary payment of up to £4,000 per month (full time) while on a clinical placement if working outside of London. Additional High Cost Areas supplement (HCAS) apply as appropriate
- Indemnity covered under the Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice but all GPs are advised to take out personal “Top Up” cover. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section carefully as it explains what the scheme does and does not cover
- A Payment of up to £750 for costs of professional negligence cover while on the programme (effective from 1 August 2019)
- A one-off payment of up to £464 towards the costs of General Medical Council (GMC) membership and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) fees.
- Reimbursement of up to £200 for occupational health check fees
- Up to four fully funded attempts at the assessment (subject to a pass)
- Reimbursement of Health and Care Worker visa fees for non-UK or those without existing Rights of Residence GPs and their dependents
- Help with finding a practice that can sponsor your Health and Care Worker visa if required
- One year's free associate membership to the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)
- Access to training and other educational and development support
- Peer support networks, mentoring and coaching
- Access to a dedicated account manager
- Help towards the costs of child or social care
All the available funding is only claimable upon commencing the IIP programme clinical placement.
Non-urgent advice: Invoice claims
The General Practice (GP) International Induction Programme (IIP) and Return to Practice (RtP) programme relevant invoice claims must be submitted within 3 months of completing the programme. Anything submitted after the 3 month period will not be honoured.
Applicants may, in certain circumstances, qualify for additional support through the Cameron Fund.
Applicants will be eligible for a full-time bursary (37.5 hours per week) or pro-rata for part-time participation.
Full Time |
Percent of Full time |
Hours in IIP Programme |
Claim |
37.5 |
100% |
37.5 |
£4,000.00 |
37.5 |
90% |
33.75 |
£3,600.00 |
37.5 |
80% |
30 |
£3,200.00 |
37.5 |
70% |
26.25 |
£2,800.00 |
37.5 |
60% |
22.5 |
£2,400.00 |
37.5 |
50% |
18.75 |
£2,000.00 |
37.5 |
40% |
15 |
£1,600.00 |
Full Time |
Percent of Full time |
Hours in IIP Programme |
Claim |
37.5 |
100% |
37.5 |
£4,200.00 |
37.5 |
90% |
33.75 |
£3,780.00 |
37.5 |
80% |
30 |
£3,360.00 |
37.5 |
70% |
26.25 |
£2,940.00 |
37.5 |
60% |
22.5 |
£2,520.00 |
37.5 |
50% |
18.75 |
£2,100.00 |
37.5 |
40% |
15 |
£1,680.00 |
Full Time |
Percent of Full time |
Hours in IIP Programme |
Claim |
37.5 |
100% |
37.5 |
£4,800.00 |
37.5 |
90% |
33.75 |
£4,320.00 |
37.5 |
80% |
30 |
£3,840.00 |
37.5 |
70% |
26.25 |
£3,360.00 |
37.5 |
60% |
22.5 |
£2,880.00 |
37.5 |
50% |
18.75 |
£2,400.00 |
37.5 |
40% |
15 |
£1,920.00 |
Full Time |
Percent of Full time |
Hours in IIP Programme |
Claim |
37.5 |
100% |
37.5 |
£4,600.00 |
37.5 |
90% |
33.75 |
£4,140.00 |
37.5 |
80% |
30 |
£3,680.00 |
37.5 |
70% |
26.25 |
£3,220.00 |
37.5 |
60% |
22.5 |
£2,760.00 |
37.5 |
50% |
18.75 |
£2,300.00 |
37.5 |
40% |
15 |
£1,840.00 |
How to claim your bursary
For doctors employed by a practice and on a Visa, the employing practices will pay the monthly salary and visa costs. This process will be facilitated by your local education lead and/or team.
Other expenses include GMC, DBS, Occupational Health, and Indemnity from GP National Recruitment Office (NRO).
Practice payments from GPNRO will be facilitated by your local education lead and/or team.
The bursary placement will be paid directly to you from the GPNRO. In order to claim, you should follow the IIP programme finance process, detailed below.
IIP finance process
First time claimants must complete a Supplier setup form confirming their bank details to setup an NHS England supplier account. Sections that are marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be completed.
It may take up to 4 to 6 weeks for the supplier account to be created. Please note that without this account in place, payments cannot be made. SBS/Finance team will be in touch with you directly via phone call to confirm the details, of which they will make 3 attempts at contacting you before rejecting the account creation.
Finance purchase order will be requested.
- Form A needs to be completed and submitted by local offices to NRO, prior to the placement being commenced
- Form B should be completed by your practice and submitted every four weeks. Ask your educational supervisor or practice manager to countersign the number of hours you have participated
- Form C needs to be completed by you, as an IIP doctor, every four weeks
You should complete a separate Claim Form C, with proof of payment, for:
- DBS/GMC fees
- professional negligence cover costs
- occupational health costs
All forms should be sent to the GPNRO via email as attachments to the IIP team via email, in clear version, correct format and PDF attachment only.
Please note, all forms must be typed up. Handwritten forms are not accepted.
Depending on the creation of your supplier account it can take between 2 to 3 weeks for the first payment to be made. Subsequent payments may take up to 3 weeks to be paid. All the available funding is only claimable upon commencing the IIP placement.
Please note that IIP programme doctors are only eligible to claim the number of hours in the clinical placement within the agreed training placement contract and are not eligible to claim for bank holidays, annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, or any additional time.
Should any changes occur to the start, timing or breaks in the placement these must be notified to the local education lead and GPNRO immediately by email. Claimants are advised to keep a copy of all their completed forms.
Please note that the practice is not involved in the claim process other than to confirm the hours present.
Bursary payments under the programme are usually exempt from tax as the payment is for educational purposes and the GP’s receiving the payment do not have an employer.
Support for parents and carers
Available funding
Funding is available for doctors on the IIP with certain requirements.
Doctors with children aged under 11 will be able to claim a total of £2,000 towards the cost of childcare for each child whilst on the programme.
Other caring responsibilities may also claim a total of £2,000 to meet the costs of providing care to a dependent in their absence whilst on the programme.
Given that placement lengths on the programme vary, a maximum of £333 per month may claimed for each child under 11 or other dependent. This figure will be reduced on a pro-rata basis for those undertaking the programme on a part time basis.
The funding is in addition to the £4,000 per month bursary and other funding that GPs on the programme can claim.
The funding can only be claimed for the duration of a supervised placement on the programme. It cannot be claimed for attending programme assessments or undertaking other activities associated with the programme.
Only doctors undertaking a supervised placement and receiving a bursary on the programme can claim the funding.
There is no maximum limit on the number of children under 11 or other dependents that can be claimed for under the programme.
Claiming the funding
GPs wishing to claim the funding each month should attach copies of relevant invoices to their GPNRO claims form each month specifying the exact amount being claimed for childcare or social care on their claims form.
For those claiming for childcare, a copy of each child’s birth certificate should also be attached as evidence that the child is under the age of 11.
Tax liabilities
It is the responsibility of each GP claiming the funding to confirm the impact of the payments on their own tax liabilities with HM Revenue and Customs.
GP Return to Practice (RtP) or International Induction Programme (IIP) / Trainers grant payments process
Host GP practices can receive a monthly payment of £865.17.
To claim, download the invoice template and fill out the necessary information. Then return the form to your regional GP Return to Practice (RtP) or International Induction Programme (IIP) education team.
The form is available on the downloads section of this page.
Admin guidance for the doctors funding process
Local Educational lead/team completes and sends across Form A (this contains placement information) to GP IIP RTP team (NRO) once a placement has been confirmed.
Finance process will only be started for the doctor once GP IIP RTP team (NRO) has received this form.
Timely submission of Form A (1 month prior to start of placement) to GP IIP RTP team (NRO) is necessary to avoid delays in initiating the payment process.
Local Educational lead/team advises doctors about the available funding and on how to claim at the point of finalising the placement with the doctor/medical teams.
Doctors are responsible for claiming the allocated funding from the GP IIP RTP team (NRO) by completing and submitting the relevant forms available in the downloads section fo this page.
Doctors employed by a practice and on a Visa, the employing practices will pay the monthly salary and visa costs. This process will be facilitated by the local educational lead/team.
GP IIP and RTP Practice payment PO process
Local Educational lead/team completes and sends across a Form A (this contains placement information) to GP IIP RTP team (NRO) once a placement has been confirmed. Finance process will only be started for the practice once GP IIP RTP team (NRO) has received this form and the practices supplier details from the local educational office.
GP IIP RTP team (NRO) raises PO and shares it with the Local GP IIP RTP educational admin / teams via email.
Local GP IIP RTP educational admin / teams informs the practice to send the invoice to GP IIP RTP team (NRO), and the invoice must include the details below otherwise it will be returned to the Practice, which will delay their payment.
Practice will send the invoice to GP IIP RTP team (NRO) [email protected] with the mandatory details below, copying in local educational team.
GP IIP RTP team (NRO) processes the practice invoice for payment and confirms with the Practice / Local Educational admin / team.
Mandatory Fields to be completed on the practice invoice:
- Name of IIP / RTP Doctor
- Region
- Month of claim
- Claim Description – Practice payment or Observational payment
- Unit price – Practice payment £865.17 / Observational payment £500
- Supplier number
- PO number
Please note - all practice invoices need to be submitted to GP IIP RTP team (NRO) to be processed. Local Education admin / team cannot process the invoice for payment to SBS; to avoid duplicate payments and effective record/ budget management.
Page last reviewed: 15 December 2023
Next review due: 19 July 2024
Related information
Practice Placements
Successfully complete the practice placement to become an independent GP in the UK
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Assessment for IIP and RtP
Successfully complete the MCQ as part of becoming an independent GP in the UK