International Induction Programme (IIP) placements
There are a number of requirements for the International Induction Programme (IIP) placements, which this page explains and details.
Undertaking the Clinical Placement
To undertake the Clinical Placement you must have:
- an approved IIP placement arranged through the local educational team
- passed the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Assessments, where required
- full General Medical Council (GMC) registration
- be on the GMC General Practice (GP) Register with a current Licence to Practise (LtP)
- if you do not hold Rights of Residence in the UK, you will need to hold a Health and Care Worker visa and have the offer of employment by a sponsoring practice
- be in good standing (no Restrictions, except for the requirement to complete the IIP)
- completed Basic Life Support training
- completed Safeguarding e-learning for Children and Adults (e-LfH) to Level 3 prior to starting in a placement
- be included on the NHS England Medical Performers List (MPL)
- have completed the Occupational Health Self-Declaration, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, and a Police check
- a “top up” medical indemnity (there is funding support for this while in the Programme)
- documented your learning and experience in the Fourteen Fish Portfolio
If you would like to transfer regions
If you would like to transfer regions during your placement, you can download the available region transfer form from this page, and follow the process detailed below.
First, you need to discuss the transfer with your current region's local educational lead. If you still wish to continue with your transfer, your current local educational lead, now your releasing local educational lead, will initiate the process.
The transfer approval is done by your releasing local educational lead, who verifies the transfer form, registration documents, assessments, medical performers list status, and educational support.
The releasing local education lead notifies their local medical team of proposed transfer and the medical team provides approval for transfer. Once approved, the releasing local educational lead agrees the transfer with receiving local educational lead and submits the approved transfer form along with supporting documents. They also notify the GP National Recruitment Office (NRO).
Once approved, the receiving local education lead accepts the transfer, notifies their local medical team, who then provides their approval for transfer.
If you require placement extensions, shortening, or early sign-off
Extension, shortening, or early sign-off for your placement is done by authorisation of your local educational lead. This is done by verifying the recommendations of the educational supervisor. Your local educational lead then notifies the local medical team of the proposed outcome, who provides approval.
Your local educational lead also informs the GP National Recruitment Office (NRO) of the outcome by submitting the financial support and funding document, Form A.
Successfully exiting the Programme
To successfully exit the IIP programme, and gain full entry to the MPL without conditions or restrictions, you must have:
- successfully completed the IIP placement
- a satisfactory Workplace Based Assessment, End of Placement report (includes an on-line Multi-Source Feedback and Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire) which has been submitted to the local educational lead and local NHS England medical team along with any other required evidence (they should have evidence of all your assessments already but important you check what they need)
- completed the mandatory e-LfH module on GP induction
- started your portfolio preparation for an early formal NHS Appraisal in the placement. This will be a MPL requirement on exit from the IIP placement, usually after 3 to 6 months
- received confirmation from NHS England local medical team where you plan to work that you are included on the MPL without conditions
Page last reviewed: 15 December 2023
Next review due: 3 June 2024
Related information
Practice Placements
Successfully complete the practice placement to become an independent GP in the UK
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Assessment for IIP and RtP
Successfully complete the MCQ as part of becoming an independent GP in the UK