Summary of registration requirements
International Induction ProgrammeTo progress through the international Induction Programme (IIP), a variety of steps need to be taken. This page contains a summary of the general requirements for the IIP.
The first thing you should do is ensure is that your General Practice (GP) specialist medical qualifications are able to be registered with the UK General Medical Council (GMC). To help find out if you're eligible, use the GMC online questionnaire.
To work as a GP you will need to be on the GMC’s GP Register with a Licence to Practise (LtP) which is required before you can start a clinical placement.
Important: Changes to Certificate of Eligibility General Practice (CEGPR)
As of 30 November 2023 new legislation introduced by the UK government has changed the requirements for how doctors demonstrate the standards required for specialist and GP registration.
For further information, visit the General Medical Council (GMC) page detailing the changes.
If you gained your GP qualification outside the UK, the next step depends on where you gained this qualification. If your qualification was obtained in:
- a European Economic Area (EEA) country, the GMC is likely to accept the qualification, but you will need to apply to them to assess this
- Australia, New Zealand or Canada, you may be eligible for the Recognised Specialist Qualification (RSQ) Pathway if you hold certain qualifications
- any other country or qualifications, visit the GMC page for the portfolio pathway, detailing how doctors demonstrate the standards required for specialist and GP registration
Once you have confirmation that you can be included on the GMC GP Register with a Licence to Practise, you will need to register for the GP International Induction Programme (IIP). Following this you will be directed to a local educational lead. This may take a little while to organise and to arrange a review appointment.
You will need to be eligible to work in the UK you may need to apply for a Health and Care Worker visa. For this visa you will need an identified GP practice to act as your employing sponsor.
Important: Health and Care Worker visa requirements
From 1 January 2021, all European Economic Area (EEA) nationals (except Irish citizens) and international doctors will require a Health and Care Worker visa to work in the UK. For details on Visa applications and support from NHS England when applying, visit the Health and Care Worker Visa requirements for non UK citizens webpage.
To start a clinical placement you will need to apply for, and be included on to the Medical Performers List (MPL) usually with a Probationary Flag permitting you to undertake the clinical placement.
Prior to starting the clinical placement you will be required to complete an Occupational Health Self-Declaration, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, and you may also require a police check, and 2 clinical references. You will also need to have completed the mandatory e-learning modules on Adult and Children Safeguarding.
You will need to register for an NHS Email address. You can usually only do this when you have an identified IIP placement in a GP practice.
You should plan to start these applications at about the same time as you register for the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) assessment, where required, unless you wish to have a deferred start of 6 months or more.
Page last reviewed: 15 December 2023
Next review due: 3 June 2024
Related information
Practice Placements
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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Assessment for IIP and RtP
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