Make sure you’re familiar with the ID you need to bring and the admissions policy.

Admission policy

You must arrive at the assessment centre at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to complete the necessary check-in procedures.

Applicants who arrive late will not be admitted entry.

Children are not permitted at any of the assessment centres.

Health and safety guidelines for COVID-19

Before travelling to an assessment centre, it's important that you familiarise yourself with the health and safety guidelines implemented at all Pearson VUE owned centres to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect staff and other applicants. 

If you fail to comply with the guidelines, you will be denied access to their testing services.

Identification (ID) requirements

In line with the Pearson VUE ID Policy you are required to present one form of original (no photocopies or digital ID), valid (unexpired) government issued ID that includes your name, recent recognisable photograph, and signature.

The accepted forms of ID are:

  • international travel passport
  • driver’s license
  • military ID (including spouse and dependents)
  • identification card (national, state or province identity card)
  • alien registration card (green card, permanent resident, visa)
  • local language ID (not in Roman characters) – accepted only if issued from the country you are testing in

All forms of acceptable ID must be issued by the country in which you are testing.

If you do not possess qualifying ID issued from the country you are testing in, an international travel passport in Roman characters from your country of citizenship is required. If you are a European Union (EU) candidate testing within the EU zone, you may also provide a valid, unexpired EU identity card as primary ID.

ID issued by sanctioned countries will not be accepted. Please refer to the Pearson Vue website for further information.

Expired forms of ID will not be accepted, unless accompanied by valid renewal papers. A government-issued ID missing a visible signature, or one that has an embedded signature, must be supplemented with an original, valid ID that has at least a matching name and recent recognisable photo, or a matching name and signature.

The first and last name you used on your application form, and thus your Pearson VUE account, must match exactly the first and last name on the ID that is presented on the day of your MSRA appointment.

Alternative identification documents

If you are unable to present any of the documents listed above, or your first name and last name does not match exactly with the one on the documents that you intend to present on the day of your assessment, you must contact the MSRA team at the earliest opportunity at [email protected] for further advice and instructions on suitable alternatives.

Failure to notify the MSRA team of any discrepancies will result in you not being permitted entry to sit the assessment.

Personal belongings

You will not be allowed to take any personal items with you into the testing room. This includes all:

  • bags
  • books or other materials not authorised for the MSRA
  • notes
  • phones
  • pagers
  • watches
  • wallets
Breaks and refreshments

There is a short 5-minute scheduled break between the Professional Dilemmas and the Clinical Problem-Solving paper. In instances where a break of longer than 5 minutes is taken, the test will automatically be revoked.

For applicants sitting the test via OnVue, the test will automatically be revoked, and you will not have the opportunity to re-sit.

If you choose to take the optional scheduled break, your computer will be locked by the invigilator for security purposes. Once you have completed your break, you will need to ask the invigilator to unlock your computer before you can continue with the MSRA.

Important: Important

You may leave the assessment room for an unscheduled water or a comfort break, however the time will be deducted from your assessment. If you wish to leave the room, you must ask the invigilator.

You are prohibited from taking food and drink into the assessment room and you will not be permitted to eat whilst in the assessment centre.

Page last reviewed: 23 June 2023