Rescheduling, cancellations, missed tests and expenses
Taking the MSRARescheduling your Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is possible through your Pearson VUE account.
Important: Important
You are advised to check this page regularly as this information is subject to change for future rounds.
Reschedule policy
If you wish to reschedule your assessment, you may do this via your Pearson VUE account for the assessment in question, within the assessment booking period.
If you are an applicant with a pre-approved adjustment, other than extra time, and wish to reschedule your assessment, please contact Pearson VUE via email at [email protected].
You must reschedule assessment appointments at least 24 hours before the appointment.
Cancellation policy
If you wish to cancel your assessment, you may do this via your Pearson VUE account for the assessment in question, within the assessment booking period.
You must cancel assessment appointments at least 24 hours before the appointment.
Missed appointments
If you miss your assessment and wish to schedule another appointment, please contact the MSRA team at [email protected] immediately. You will not be able to re-book online via self-service without first being re-authorised by the MSRA team.
Assessment centre availability is likely to be limited at this point and you may be required to travel beyond your preferred locality.
The relevant medical specialty recruitment office will be unable to accommodate you if you miss an appointment on the final day of the MSRA window.
Applicant expenses
Expenses incurred by applicants in sitting the MSRA will not be reimbursed by the MSRA team.
Page last reviewed: 19 October 2023
Next review due: 1 October 2024