Booking the MSRA
Taking the MSRAWhen invited to the MSRA, you can book an assessment at a centre, date and time of your choosing (subject to availability).
You book your assessment on the Pearson VUE website.
Assessment centre locations
The MSRA is delivered globally on several consecutive days in a large number of Pearson VUE Computer Testing Centres.
Find your nearest Pearson VUE assessment centre by visiting the Pearson VUE website.
If you are in the UK during the assessment window
If you reside in or, are in employment in the UK (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) during the assessment window, you are expected to attend a UK assessment centre.
If you are outside of the UK during the assessment window
If you are outside of the UK during the MSRA window, you will have the opportunity to sit the MSRA outside of the UK at an assessment centre nearest to your location (subject to seat availability).
Important: Centre capacity
The capacity at each centre is finite and there may be a requirement to travel to the nearest location with availability if there is no availability at your preferred location.
Correcting name discrepancies
If there is a name discrepancy between your registered Oriel account, and thus your Pearson VUE account, and your government issued ID, for example, due to typographical or transposition error, or missing middle names and so on, you can update your personal details with the required corrections via the My profile section in your Oriel account.
Any changes made to your personal details in Oriel will be reflected in your Pearson VUE account.
Booking an assessment
If you are invited to the MSRA, you will be required to log into your Pearson VUE account and use the self-service functionality to book an assessment at a centre, date and time of your choosing, subject to availability. The only exception to this is if you have requested a special accommodation other than or, in addition to extra time, under the Equality Act 2010. In this instance, PearsonVue will book your slot, based on the address provided on your application form, on your behalf, and email you with confirmation of your booking.
When booking your assessment, it is strongly recommended that you avoid booking from a mobile device or internet browsers that have reached the end of their product support lifecycle as these are unlikely to be supported.
When searching for seat availability at assessment centres by location, Pearson VUE will return a maximum of 30 assessment centres per location search. To view more assessment centres, you will need to alter your search criterion.
Confirmation of MSRA booking
Once you have booked your assessment, you will receive an automated confirmation email to your registered email address.
If you do not receive this confirmation, log into your Pearson VUE account to confirm if the booking process was completed in its entirety.
Page last reviewed: 30 May 2024
Next review due: 30 May 2025