Supporting documents
Inter-Deanery Transfers (IDTs) guideIt is your responsibility to submit the correct supporting documents with all of the sections completed.
The National IDT team will accept attached supporting documentation to your application in any format, as long as the document is readable.
It is your responsibility to submit the correct supporting documents and required evidence with all sections completed at the time of application, and before the submission deadline.
Below is a list of the mandatory supporting documents relevant to each criterion.
These may be resubmitted for a maximum of 2 further windows provided your circumstances have not changed since your last application. However, a newly signed coversheet is required if you are submitting a supporting document used in a previous application window and your circumstances and evidence remain unchanged.
If there have been any changes to personal details/circumstances that contradict any details on your former Supporting Document and other evidence, you must submit a new version to reflect these changes. All additional articles of evidence that refer to these changes must also be provided.
Supporting Documents are updated between IDT windows and if you are applying for the first-time or re-applying and your circumstances have changed since the last application, you must use the supporting document relevant to the IDT window in which you are applying.
Cover sheet
Applications to each iteration of the National IDT process are independent, with no one application effecting another.
If you choose to apply again you will be required to submit your most recent ARCP, as well as any other necessary evidence. However, you do not have to complete a new supporting document if the circumstances under which you are applying have not changed since your last application.
You will be required to provide a ‘Supporting Document Coversheet’ for re-applications under criterion 1A, 1B and 2 and the coversheet must be signed by the original signatory of your supporting document to confirm the information is the same.
Re-applications will only be accepted from up to 2 consecutive windows prior.
After 2 rotations, you will be expected to provide newly completed documentation.
For example, if your first application was in February, you will only be able to re-use the relevant supporting evidence/documentation up until and including the following February.
Signatories for supporting documents
It is your responsibility to ensure that all supporting documents and cover sheets are complete and signed by the correct signatory when submitting an application and within the application deadline. Unsigned or incorrectly signed documents will not be accepted.
For Supporting Documents A1, A2 and B the health professional must complete the relevant sections of the form. A separate letter or any alternative documents will not be accepted under any circumstances. Should additional space be required to complete the statement, this must be continued on letter headed paper.
Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP)
If the CCT date detailed on your ARCP outcome form is different from the CCT date detailed within your IDT application, you should provide evidence of the updated CCT date in the form of a letter from your local regional office.
Where there is a discrepancy the national IDT team will contact you to request clarification within a 48-hour window.
Applicants will only be provided with one opportunity to provide any clarification or evidence as per section 'Extensions of supporting documents' of this guidance.
If you have been awarded with an outcome 2 or outcome 3
If you have been awarded with an outcome 2 or outcome 3, and are successful in receiving an offer to transfer region, your region will request and submit a postgraduate dean letter of support for your transfer which will be sent to your offer region as part of the transfer of information process between regions.
If you have not yet received an ARCP outcome in your current training region
If you have not yet received an ARCP outcome in your current training region, you are not required to provide any document in relation to your ARCP at time of application. Your current training region as part of the shared eligibility details during the vacancy declaration process will review and flag any causes for concern that require local discussion.
Out of Programme
If you are Out of Programme (OOP), you must also submit the most recent clinical ARCP outcome form received while still in programme, as well as the most recent OOP ARCP Outcome if received.
Academic programmes
If you are in an academic programme (NHS England) and you wish to transfer the funding of your award, you must also submit at either time of application or at time of offer:
- a letter of support from your current Academic Supervisor
- a letter of support from your prospective Academic Supervisor
- a letter of support confirming the transfer of the academic award from the funding body
If you do not wish to transfer the funding of your academic award, you are not required to submit any additional documents in relation to your award to support your IDT application. If you successfully secure an IDT, you will agree to relinquish your academic award and you will revert back to clinical training upon transfer to the new region.
Time frame for getting documents completed
The National IDT team must be able to make sure that personal circumstances are current. Therefore, for new applications the relevant Support Document (either A1 or A2, or B must be completed and signed no earlier than 2 January 2024.
For re-applications, only the cover sheet document must be completed and signed by all signatories no earlier than 2 January 2024.
Extensions of supporting documents
You may be contacted by the National IDT team about your application.
If we have a query or require further clarification, you will be informed via email and will have 48 hours in which to provide the information. The information must be provided in time to not delay the process. Failure to do so will result in your application being withdrawn from the process.
No extensions past the application submission deadline date will be granted for the online application form or supporting documents and evidence, and under no circumstances will any late applications be accepted.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you have provided the correct contact details should the National IDT team need to get in contact. You should also regularly review all the folders for the emailbox address used to register your application.
Regrettably, under no circumstances will any extensions be granted for missed emails.
Please ensure to familiarise yourself with the key dates in the timeline such as application status updates and offers.
Page last reviewed: 21 December 2023
Next review due: 21 December 2024