The national Inter-Deanery Transfer (IDT) process supports postgraduate doctors in training who have had an unforeseen or significant change in circumstances.

Important: Important

The national Inter-Deanery Transfer (IDT) arrangements do not apply to Foundation, Dental, Pharmacy, LATs (Locum Appointment for Training), or military postgraduate doctors in training at any level.

In such instances, you should contact your local Foundation School or Dental, Medical or Pharmacy team for information regarding the transfer processes.

The national Inter-Deanery Transfer (IDT) process was established by the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD), with support from the British Medical Association (BMA) and sponsorship from NHS England (NHSE), Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Health Education and Improvement Wales.

The process's aim is to support postgraduate doctors in training who have had an unforeseen and significant change in circumstances since accepting an offer of a post in training programme, or for those who, since accepting an offer, require a transfer.

The process has been developed as part of the Enhancing Junior Doctors' Working Lives initiative which supports doctors in training who may consider deployment due to an unseen and significant change in circumstances, and for those who, since accepting an offer, require a transfer. 

An unforeseen or significant change in circumstances should relate to:

  • personal disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010
  • a mental health condition
  • primary carer responsibilities 
  • parental/guardian responsibilities
  • a committed relationship (or breakdown of a committed relationship) and pregnancy

You must have accepted an offer of a post in a training programme by the application submission closing date and have at least 12 calendar months remaining in that programme at the earliest point of transfer as well as meeting the other eligibility and prioritisation criteria as described in the eligibility section. Depending on the window in which you have applied, the earliest point of transfer will be the first Wednesday in either February or August.

It should be recognised that transfers are not an entitlement. IDTs will depend on compliance with the eligibility criteria, evidence requirements and the availability of suitable posts in the region (or regions) to which you are applying to move.

This information will be reviewed between national IDT windows and therefore changes may occur ahead of future application windows. You should carefully read this guide each time an application is submitted and, if necessary, contact the national IDT team via the Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education (PGMDE) Support Portal to discuss any changes that may have occurred.

Page last reviewed: 21 December 2023
Next review due: 21 December 2024