Offers, references, clearing and feedback
GP Specialty Training recruitmentAll offers will be made via Oriel by GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO). If you are made an offer, you will need to respond to this on Oriel.
Non-urgent advice: Accessing Offers & Expiration
When actioning an offer, it is strongly recommended that applicants avoid using a mobile device or internet browsers that have reached the end of their product support lifecycle as these are unlikely to be supported.
Applicants who let their offer expire, and are withdrawn from the recruitment process, can be reinstated at the discretion of the GPNRO. However, their original offer cannot be guaranteed.
For further information on the offers process, please refer to the specialty training applicant guide
Using the Single Transferable Score model in GP recruitment means there will be no option for clearing. Therefore, if you do not receive an offer in this round of recruitment it will be for one of two reasons:
- Every one of your GP Training Programme preferences are accepted before your rank is reached (this could happen even if you are considered appointable in the process).
- You were unsuccessful at a certain part of the recruitment process (you will be notified if this is the case).
Page last reviewed: 19 October 2023
Next review due: 1 October 2024
Related information
Person specification
The essential eligibility criteria you need to meet to apply for GP Specialty Training
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
A computer-based assessment that is required for various specialties.