Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
GP Specialty Training recruitmentThis page details some of the questions applicants have asked regarding the application process for becoming a GP.
I was successful in my previous GP training application but now want to transfer my score to another round, how can I do this on my new application?
You can transfer your previous valid GP score by answering ‘yes’ to the question “Do you wish to carry over scores from a successful application to this specialty that you have previously submitted?” on your GP re-application form, at the time of application. Please note that it will not be possible to submit late requests and, any requests to transfer scores made outside of the application process will not be considered.
It is also important to note that the ability to transfer scores is only valid for a 12-month recruitment cycle (e.g., if you apply for an August intake, you can transfer your score for the next February intake or the following August intake) and is conditional upon the recruitment and selection process being unchanged.
Can I use my previous MSRA score for my GP Application if taken for another speciality?
Yes in a re-advert round. If applicants wish to transfer their score from another speciality to their GP Application, this can only be done if taken in Round 1 for that recruitment year. You must answer the Multi Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) specific questions on the application form to make this request.
However, if the MSRA was taken for another speciality in R3 of the previous recruitment year, this cannot be transferred to your GP Application.
Is there a limit on the number of times I can apply to GP Training and will reapplying effect future applications?
No. There is no limit to the number of times you may reapply for GP Training, however you can only make a single application for all available GP ST1 training posts in each round. If you withdraw your application or offer prior to starting your training programme, it will not affect future applications.
What support do you offer to couples/ families regarding training in a preferred region?
Though the linking of application is not facilitated in specialty recruitment, elements have been included to the selection processes to try and maximise chances of those in a committed relationship or family commitments in securing training posts in their desired region. These are:
- Hold deadline allows for offers to be reserved whilst waiting to hear the outcome of other applications or applications of another party.
- Opportunity to amend preferences throughout the recruitment process, even after offers have been made and accepted – this allows you to amend your preferences in Oriel, understanding that changes to personal circumstances may happen between time of application and time of offer. This also allows changes to be made, should two parties in a committed relationship be offered posts in different locations across the country. This is possible even where you have been offered your first-choice post and it allows you to re-rank preference options. This can continue up to the upgrade deadline in each recruitment round.
Why am I not receiving emails from Oriel?
To ensure messages from the GPNRO are not filtered by your email provider’s junk / spam filters, you are strongly advised to add [email protected] and [email protected] to your email whitelist.
Emails are external to Oriel and delivery cannot be guaranteed, therefore this method of communication should not be relied upon. Please ensure you check your Oriel account regularly for messages throughout the entirety of the recruitment process.
Is Round 1 or 3 more competitive?
Entry to GP Specialty Training overall is highly competitive, and a lot is dependent on your preference of region(s) in which you are looking to train. Competition Ratios for each NHSE Local Office / deanery are made available for round 1, and you may find this helpful, noting that London continues to remain the most competitive region.
In terms of the differences in rounds, there are significantly fewer posts available in round 3 compared to round 1.
I am registered with the GMC but have temporarily relinquished my licence to practice, can I still apply?
Yes, you are still able to apply for GP ST1, however you will need to ensure that you have a full license to practice before the intended start date.
Can previous medical experience contribute towards GP training?
Yes, the maximum contributing time to a GP programme is 12 months although 6 months is usually the amount agreed. For details on the different options available please refer to the current GP Recruitment Hub.
If you wish your previous experience to contribute to a new training programme, you must indicate this on your GP training application form. Any acceptance onto a Combined GP training programme is at the discretion of the NHSE local office or deanery and not the GPNRO.
I have exhausted all attempts of the AKT or SCA exam, am I still eligible to apply for GP Training?
Applicants who have attempted to complete the CSA exam 4 times are not eligible to apply as this is the max attempts you can have at the exam.
It is advisable to contact RCGP to see if there are any other options available to you.
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
I do not live in the UK, can I still take the MSRA?
Yes, you do have the opportunity to sit the MSRA outside of the UK. The MSRA is delivered globally on several consecutive days in a large number of Pearson VUE Computer Testing Centres. You can find your nearest Pearson VUE test centre by visiting their website.
Please note that capacity at each centre is limited and there may be a requirement to travel to the nearest location with availability if there is no availability at your preferred location.
There are some restricted countries that applicants cannot test in (either at a testing centre or online) due to sanctions against those countries. Please refer to the Pearson VUE website for further information
Can the MSRA be taken remotely?
Yes, however it is for extenuating circumstances only. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to your invite to MSRA, if received, for futher information on how to submit a request for remote testing.
There are some restricted countries that applicants cannot test in (either at a testing centre or online) due to sanctions against those countries. Please refer to the Pearson VUE website for more information.
Who should I contact regarding my training and employment once I have received an offer and the upgrade deadline has passed?
You will need to contact your new training region from this point onwards. The remit of the GPNRO is to coordinate entry to GP training programmes in the UK and it is not involved in the administration or delivery of training.
Once you have accepted an offer of training, and the upgrade deadline has passed, you will be asked by the offered region to indicate your preferred geographic and/or rotational posts. If you do not receive any communication regarding allocations, you will need to contact the regional NHSE office or deanery, not the GPNRO.
Why am I being contacted by Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust regarding my employment?
Mersey and West Lancashire are the Lead Employer in several NHS England (NHSE) regions for GP Trainees; they will be responsible for your overall employment. The NHSE regions include:
- East Midlands
- East of England
- North West
- Thames Valley
- West Midlands
For further details on their responsibilities please visit the Mersey and West Lancashire webpage.
What are my options if I am unable to start my training?
Applicants can defer the start of their ST1 programme on statutory grounds such as personal ill health or maternity/paternity/adoption leave. As non-statutory deferment is not permitted, successful applicants to GP Training from August 2021 onwards will be able to transfer their successful final recruitment score from one recruitment round to another. This option will only be valid within a 12-month recruitment cycle and is conditional upon the recruitment and selection process being unchanged in subsequent recruitment rounds.
Please note that all deferment requests need to be made in writing to the NHSE local office or deanery with which you have accepted an offer of training, not the GPNRO.
Where can I find information on pay as a doctor in the UK?
It is recommended that you visit the British Medical Association (BMA) website as it provides a resource of information on pay for doctors in the whole of the UK. Their guidance’s advises you on any issues you may have such as pay scales; expenses and pay protection, providing you with the detailed support you may need.
For further information on pay, visit the NHS Employers website
Is it possible for Inter deanery Transfer after accepting an offer?
Inter-deanery transfers (IDTs) are rare and require both an exceptional circumstances threshold for eligibility and availability of posts in often full programmes, so it is imperative you only preference the programmes that you would be prepared to work in.
If I accept an offer, then need to decline prior to starting my training, can I re-apply with no negative implications?
Yes, you can re- apply to GP training in future rounds if you have previously declined an offer and it will not have any implications on future applications as each application is reviewed on its on merit inline with national recruitment guidance.
What is the likelihood of receiving an offer and what is the rank of the lowest ranked applicant who has received an offer?
GPNRO do not publish or share information in regards to the lowest ranked applicant who has reiceived an offer. Offers are made on individual ranks and preferences, therefore we are unable to advise on the likelihood of applicants reiceving an offer.
Page last reviewed: 26 October 2023
Next review due: 16 June 2024
Related information
Person specification
The essential eligibility criteria you need to meet to apply for GP Specialty Training
Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)
A computer-based assessment that is required for various specialties.