ST1 Training in Clinical Radiology
Find out all the information you need to apply for training in the specialty of Clinical Radiology.
The information on these pages is related to the 2023-24 recruitment process.
The relevant pages for 2024-25 recruitment will be updated by the application opening dates.
Overview of Clinical Radiology Training ST1
Find out more about Clinical Radiology ST1
Check you are eligible and find out how to apply
Recruitment timelines
Key dates you need for Clinical Radiology ST1
Self-assessment and verification
How self-assessment works and how you will sumbit evidence
Find information regarding interviews for Clinical Radiology ST1
Appointability, preferencing and offers
A combination of your MSRA, verified evidence score and total score at interview will be used to determine your final total score and ranking.
See indicative post numbers for Clinical Radiology ST1
Related information
2024 Clinical Radiology ST1 Self-Assessment Guidance
You will be required to complete a self-assessment along with submitting supporting evidence to justify the score you choose