Acute Care Common Stem Emergency MedicineBefore you apply for Core Training you should check that you're eligible.
All applications must be submitted via Oriel, we are unable to accept any applications outside of this system. Please ensure you are only logged into Oriel in one browser window, on one device, as having multiple windows open may impact updates you make.
Please check your application thoroughly before submitting as no one is able to change information after submission, including the administrative team. Please ensure you submit your application before the 4pm deadline on Thursday 21 November.
Before you apply for Specialty Training you should check that you're eligible against the person specification.
Non-urgent advice: Communication from Oriel
All communication regarding your application will be via Oriel. Please add [email protected] to your safe senders list.
We strongly recommend that you log in to check your Oriel messages regularly as it is outside our remit how your email provider manages messages from Oriel.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact details are correct and kept up to date throughout the recruitment process.
You must read all of these pages and the guidance on the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages before beginning your application.
Training programmes: CT1 (Uncoupled) or ST1 (Run through)
Recruitment to ACCS Emergency Medicine in 2024/2025 will be offered as a core (CT1) or run-through option at (ST1). Following acceptance of an offer, successful applicants will be given a further opportunity to finalise their training route choice. Further guidance on the process of confirming this will be included in the programme offer letter.
With Run-through training (ST1), progression is uninterrupted; applicants start in specialty training year 1 (ST1), and progress through ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5 and ST6 automatically, provided the necessary curriculum requirements are fully satisfied.
These requirements include satisfactory ARCP outcomes and exam progression. Although run-through training is uninterrupted there are still plenty of opportunities on a run-through training programme to take time out to fulfil your broader interests. OOPs (out of training programme opportunities) are widely supported in all EM training programmes.
Uncoupled and Run-through training each give opportunities to the individual trainee. The content of the training programme and its delivery are the same. It is recommended that decisions regarding the choice of type of training programme (run through training or core) are made after careful thought, including a recommendation to discuss opportunities with colleagues, mentors or local programme directors.
Please note, once you commence in your training post, it will not be possible to change your training pathway from Core (uncoupled) to Run-through or vice versa.
Summary of changes 2024/25
- Longlisting will be carried in two phases, you may hear from us in October to December, and February until the offer date to verify your eligibility in accordance with the person specification
- You will only need to submit your CREST once and it will be applied to all specialties that you are applying to. Certificate of Readiness to Enter Specialty Training (CREST) decision will apply across all specialties
- CREST - the 2024 version from last year will be accepted, as well as the CREST currently on the website. You do not need to complete the checklist for applicants if you are using your CREST 2024 from last year. However, we do recommend you review the checklist before submitting to ensure it is completed properly
- Any application that required a CREST 2024 but did not submit a CREST 2024 at the point of application will be longlisted out
- The interview process will be a multi-station interview. This will be two stations 10 minutes each one will be a portfolio station and the other will be a clinical/ethical station.
Round deadline for submitting a CREST
The 2024 version of the CREST form will be accepted. There is a revised form with an updated checklist, you do not need to submit the new version, we will accept the version without the checklist for this recruitment round. It is anticipated that applicants will be able to provide a CREST at time of application.
Important: Important
If you are required to submit a CREST, you must do so before the deadline. If you fail to submit or if you submit a CREST with incorrect answers to the questions, your application will be withdrawn, and it will not advance in this recruitment round.
Longlisting is the process of checking that you meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for a Training post. You can find the eligibility criteria on the person specification.
More information about longlisting can be found on the Medical specialty recruitment pages.
In the event that the volume of eligible applicants exceeds the interview capacity approximately 840, applications will be shortlisted for the purpose of reducing the number of applicants invited to interview to a number which can be accommodated.
- As part of the selection process for 2025 recruitment all eligible applicants will be required to sit the MSRA (unless they have not met the initial eligibility checks). We will not accept MSRA scores from any previous sittings
- The MSRA is a computer-based assessment, delivered in partnership with Work Psychology Group and Pearson VUE, which has been designed to assess some of the essential competences outlined in the Person Specification and is based around clinical scenarios
- The MSRA will be delivered at Pearson VUE test centres and remote testing provisions will be in place, as a reasonable adjustment, for those who require it - contact the Pearson Vue team
You can find further information on the MSRA here.
Reasonable adjustments and disability confident scheme
Supporting candidates with a disability at the assessment/ selection centre stages of a recruitment process.
The recruitment team positively support the recruitment and employment of persons with a disability and will ensure, where possible, that reasonable adjustments are made at interview to meet the needs of applicants with disabilities. You must ensure that you submit your evidence to the application by close of applications, except in certain circumstances, for example, sudden onset of a condition after the closing date (such as a broken wrist) via our support portal - submit a ticket.
Failure to provide the requested information and documentation by the stated deadline will result in adjustments and/or Disability Confident Scheme status not being met.
For more information regarding reasonable adjustments and the disability confident scheme process, please see the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages.
The recruitment team will ensure, where possible, that reasonable adjustments are made at interview to meet the needs of applicants with disabilities. You must ensure that you include this on the application form and contact the recruitment team.
Ranking, outcomes and preferencing
The scores from the MSRA and the online interview will be added together to give a final score used for ranking and appointment. Please note that there will be scaling of the scores in order to get the final score. These are quality assured, if both your unscaled scores are similar, but on scaling then become different, this is because of scaling and statistical adjustment.
Preferencing of posts will be available prior to offers being made. The preferencing window will reopen between offer iterations, in line with the enhanced preferencing process. For guidance on how to submit your preferences please refer to the Oriel Applicant User Guide.
Offers, references and scoresheet
Offers will be made to those appointable applicants that have ‘matched’ to a post and will be based on your ranking preferences. Offers will be made via Oriel no later than 5pm on the 26 March 2024.
Following initial offers being released, further offers will be made in subsequent iterations. You will have 48 hours from the time of offer (excluding weekends) to confirm via Oriel whether you wish to accept, reject or hold your offer, the offer will expire automatically after 48 hours and your application will not be included in future iteration of offers. Offers made after the hold deadline will only have the option to accept or reject. Please only have one browser window of Oriel open at the time of accepting your offer. We are unable to reinstate offers due to IT issues. If you are accepting an offer your Oriel status will change to ‘Offer accept’ and you will receive an email automatically. Please note that it is your responsibility to keep checking Oriel directly for messages and updates.
References will only be requested when an offer has been accepted.
Scoresheets will be released to all applicants on a specified date after offers have been finalised 7 May 2024 and so you do not need to request your scoresheets after interview.
Once an applicant has accepted an ACCS Emergency Medicine post, their information will be passed to the relevant region who will contact them directly to complete the allocation/new starter process.
Further information on how to request a deferred start date or training less than full time (LTFT) can be found on the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages.
Next steps/roles and responsibilities
Your details will be passed on to the local training programme director approximately 14 weeks prior to your start date and to the employing organisation you have been appointed to 12 weeks prior to your start date. Therefore, you should not expect to receive any communication prior to this time.
Page last reviewed: 31 October 2024
Next review due: 31 October 2026