Person specification and entry criteria for Paediatrics ST3 2025 recruitment

Applies to: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Important: Accuracy

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this page. The information presented is accurate at the time of publication.

Essential entry criteria


Applicants must have:

  • MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
  • success in any 2 of the 3 written MRCPCH papers at time of application and within the last 7 years.

When is this evaluated?i

  • Application form


i  ‘When is this evaluated’ is indicative but may be carried out at any time throughout the selection process.


Applicants must:

  • be eligible for full registration with, and hold a current licence to practiseii from, the GMC at at the advertised post start date for the vacancyiii 
  • Evidence of achievement of paediatric capabilities commensurate with a trainee who has completed ST2, as defined by the Paediatric RCPCH Progress+ curriculum, by point of application
  • be eligible to work in the UK by the advertised post start date for the vacancy

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Interview/selection centre


ii The GMC introduced the licence to practise in 2009. Any doctor wishing to practise in the UK after this date must be both registered with and hold a licence to practise from the GMC at intended start date.

iii ‘Intended start date’ refers to the date at which the earliest post commences.  For ST3 posts this will normally be the start of August/September for posts recruited to in National Round 2 (R2); or February/March for those advertised on National Round 3 (R3), unless a different start date is specifically indicated in advance by the employing trust/Local Office/Deanery.

Fitness to practise

Applicant is up to date and fit to practise safely and is aware of own training needs.

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • References
Language skills

Applicants must have demonstrable skills in written and spoken English, adequate to enable effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues as assessed by the General Medical Council.iv

When is this evaluated?

  • Application
  • Pre-employment health screening


iv Applicants are advised to visit the GMC website which gives details of evidence accepted for registration.


Applicants must meet professional health requirements (in line with GMC standards/Good Medical Practice).

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Pre-employment health screening
Career progression

Applicants must:

  • be able to provide complete details of their employment history
  • have evidence that their career progression is consistent with their personal circumstances
  • have evidence that their present level of achievement and performance is commensurate with the totality of their period of training
  • have at least 12 months’ experiencev of working in paediatrics; this must including at least 6 months in Neonatology at the point of application and 6 months in General Paediatricsvi (not including Foundation modules) by time of application.
  • have notified the Training Programme Director of the specialty training programme within which they are currently enrolled (if applicable) if applying to continue training in the same specialty in another regionvii 
  • If you have previously resigned, or been removed from, a training programme in any specialty, you must obtain a Support for Reapplication to Specialty Training form signed by the Training Programme Director/Head of School and Postgraduate Dean from the region you previously undertook training in. This must be submitted with your applicationviii 
  • not already hold, nor be eligible to hold, a CCT/CESR in the specialty they are applying for and/or must not currently be eligible for the specialist register for the specialty to which they are applying

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Interview/selection centre


v Any time periods specified in this person specification refer to full-time equivalent.

vi All experience in posts at any level in this specialty count, irrespective of the country in which the experience is gained.

vii The 'support for application to another region' form, signed by the Training Programme Director of their current specialty training programme confirming satisfactory progress must be submitted to the recruitment office at time of application.

viii Exceptional circumstances may be defined as a demonstrated change in circumstances, which can be shown on the ability to train at that time and may include severe personal illness or family caring responsibility incompatible with continuing to train. Applicants will only be considered if they provide a ‘support for reapplication to a specialty training programme’ form signed by both the Training Programme Director or Head of School and the Postgraduate Dean in the local office or Deanery that the training took place. No other evidence will be accepted.

Application completion

All sections of application form completed fully according to written guidelines.

When is this evalusted?

  • Application form

Selection criteria



Applicants must have:

  • MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
  • success in any 2 of the 3 written MRCPCH papers at time of application and within the last 7 years


  • Any postgraduate university qualifications (not including ‘Honorary’ MA).

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Interview/selection centre
  • References
Clinical skills - clinical knowledge and expertise


  • Ability to apply sound clinical knowledge, skills and judgement to improve patient care.
  • Recognition of, and ability to undertake the initial management of, an acutely ill patient in a  paediatric and neonatal setting.
  • Demonstrable competence of, and recognition of safeguarding concerns around children and young people with appropriate escalationx.
  • At least 6 months experience in neonatal medicine at point of application.
  • At least 6 months experience general paediatric services at the time of application.


  • Demonstrable competence of training in paediatric and/or neonatal life support.

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form

  • Interview/selection centre

  • References

x Protecting children and young people: The responsibilities of all doctors

Academic skills


Research, audit and quality improvement skills
  • Demonstrates an understanding of research, including awareness of ethical issues.
  • Demonstrates understanding of the basic principles of audit and clinical quality improvement project, clinical risk management, evidence-based practice, patient safety.
  • Evidence of interest in, and experience of, teaching.


Research, audit and quality improvement skills
  • Evidence of relevant academic and research achievements such as degrees, prizes, awards, distinctions, publications, presentations, other achievements.
  • Evidence of active participation in audit and quality improvement projects.
  • Can describe reflection of teaching feedback.
  • Can describe use of the teaching evaluation in improving quality of teaching.

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Interview/selection centre
Personal skills


Communication skills
  • Demonstrates clarity in written and spoken communication.
  • Ability to build rapport, listen, persuade and negotiate.
IT skills
  • Demonstrates information technology skills.
Problem solving and decision making
  • Capacity to use logical thinking to solve clinical problems and make decisions.
Empathy and sensitivity
  • Capacity to take in others’ perspectives and treat patients, parents, carers and fellow staff members with respect and humility.
  • Ensures that everyone is listened to and respected.
Managing others and team involvement.
  • Able to work in multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Ability to show leadership, make decisions, organise and motivate other team members.
Organisation and planning
  • Ability to demonstrate time management and prioritisation.
Vigilance and situational awareness
  • Awareness of the need to monitor changing situations and anticipate issues.
Coping with pressure and managing uncertainty
  • Describes coping strategies to help with workplace stresses and promote welbeing.
  • Understands, respects and demonstrates the values of the NHSx (such as everyone counts; improving lives; commitment to quality of care; respect and dignity; working together for patients; compassion).


Management and leadership skills
  • Evidence of involvement in management commensurate with experience.
  • Demonstrates an understanding of NHS management and resources.
  • Evidence of effective leadership in and outside medicine.
  • Evidence of leading clinical teams
  • Evidence of personal achievement outside medicine, that demonstrates ability to achieve goals and lead, despite other responsibities and adversity.

When is this evaluated?

  • Interview/selection centre
  • References
Probity – professional integrity


  • Demonstrates understanding of probity (as outlined by the GMC).

When is this evaluated?

  • Interview/selection centre
  • References
Commitment to specialty – learning and personal development


  • Demonstrates passion for working with children and their families.
  • Shows understanding of challenges of working within Paediatrics.
  • Shows initiative/drive/enthusiasm (self-starter, motivated, shows curiosity, initiative).
  • Demonstrable interest in, and understanding of, the specialty.
  • Commitment to continuing personal and professional development.
  • Evidence of attendance at organised teaching and training programme(s).
  • Evidence of self-reflective practice.


  • Extracurricular activities and achievements that demonstrate relevant learning and personal development.

When is this evaluated?

  • Application form
  • Interview/selection centre
  • References