HistopathologyHow to apply for ST1 Histopathology posts.
Self-assessment and submitting an application
All applications must be submitted on Oriel before the national deadline of 4pm on Thursday 21 November 2024.
Important: under no circumstances will late applications be accepted
Providing a self-assessment score is a mandatory part of your application form. Please see the Histopathology Self-Assessment Guidance for full guidance on how to complete your self-assessment scoring.
Longlisting is the process of checking that applicants meet the minimum requirements to be eligible for a Training post. You can find the eligibility criteria on the person specification here.
More information about longlisting can be found on the Medical Specialty Recruitment page.
The shortlisting selection process will consist of a self-assessment within the application form.
You will need to provide supporting evidence to recruitment teams to justify the score they have awarded themselves.
Your shortlisting score will be calculated based on your responses to the ‘self-assessment’ section of the application form that must be completed at time of application. Therefore, it is imperative that you complete the self-assessment accurately and to the best of your knowledge.
If you are found to have significantly over-scored your self-assessment in order to progress beyond the shortlisting stage this will be treated as a probity issue.
Guidance on how to score your self-assessment can be found in the Histopathology Training Self-Assessment Scoring Guidance for Applicants.
Shortlisting will take place in 2 parts:
- On the unverified total self-assessment score. Once the application window closes, the National Recruitment Office will review application numbers and may choose to shortlist out candidates whose self-assessment score is too far away from the interview capacity cut off to have a chance of being shortlisted. Applicants shortlisted out will not need to upload their evidence and their application will be withdrawn
- On the verified total self-assessment score once the verification process has been completed
Submitting supporting evidence
You will be provided with further instructions about how to upload evidence to the portal in after the application closing date. You should ensure that you present the evidence in the requested format. Failure to do so could result in your evidence being rejected and/or the self-assessment score being revised downwards.
Failure to submit all evidence by the stated deadline will result in your application form being withdrawn by the recruitment team.
Recruitment administrators will not be able to upload evidence on your behalf and once the deadline for submission has passed, your access will be withdrawn.
Evidence verification process
Submitted evidence will be verified against the self-assessment criteria for all applicants. Where the evidence submitted does not match the score awarded, the score will be adjusted accordingly.
Once this process is complete, the National Recruitment Office will review all the scores and identify the following:
- The verified self-assessment score needed to be invited to interview
- The verified self-assessment score needed to be placed on the interview reserve list
Applicants will be advised of these scores ahead of the appeals window to allow themselves to make an informed decision on whether they wish to submit an appeal.
Applicants who meet the cut off score to be invited to interview will not need to appeal. All other applicants will have an opportunity to appeal their verified self-assessment scores.
On completion of the verification process, you will be sent your verified score, together with the verification panel’s feedback explaining any changes to score. Where you disagree with the score awarded, you can lodge an appeal.
Appeals received after the 72 hour deadline will not be considered.
Appeals against verified scores must be lodged within 72 hours of the scores being sent to you. No additional evidence can be submitted but you can request a review of the evidence already submitted via the portal. Your appeal request should clearly explain why you feel that the score should be adjusted, based on the evidence that was initially submitted and verified.
Important: appeals received after the 72 hour deadline will not be considered.
The outcome of the appeal is final and there is no further recourse if you are dissatisfied. Disagreements over self-assessment scores fall out of scope of the MDRS Complaints Policy.
Reasonable adjustments and Disability Confident Scheme
We will ensure, where possible, that reasonable adjustments are made at interview to meet the needs of applicants with disabilities.
You must ensure that you include this on the application form and enter an early dialogue with the recruiting organisation.
Failure to provide the requested information and documentation by the stated deadline will result in adjustments and/or Disability Confident Scheme status not being met.
For more information regarding reasonable adjustments and the Disability Confident Scheme visit the support page via Fitness to Practice.
Disability Confident Scheme
Please note the Disability Confidence Scheme (DCS) has replaced the previous Guaranteed Interview Scheme.
You will be asked to declare on your application form if you have a disability as set out in the Equality Act 2010 and whether you wish to be considered under the Disability Confident Scheme (DCS).
This information will not be available to shortlisting panels.
If you wish to be considered under the scheme, you will be asked to upload supporting evidence confirming that you have a disability to your application. Examples of evidence that can be provided include:
- Letter from your GP or the medical specialist treating your condition
- Letter or report written by an Occupational Health physician
- Educational psychologist report
The signatory of the evidence must have a relevant professional relationship with you.
Where interview capacity allows, all applicants applying under the DCS who meet the minimum criteria will be invited to interview. Where the number of eligible DCS applicants exceeds the number of interview slots available, applicants who meet all the minimum criteria and best meet the desirable criteria will be invited to interview.
Specialties may set a minimum shortlisting score which must be achieved by applicants to demonstrate the minimum criteria, if this is the case this information will be provided in the applicant guidance for the specialty.
Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024
Next review due: 23 October 2026