Read guidance on self-assessment scoring for applicants.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this page.
The information presented is accurate at the time of publication.
The 2025 Histopathology ST1 National Selection self-assessment and evidence verification scoring process is described in detail below. Please ensure that you have read the following page in full prior to submitting your application.
This page should be read in conjunction with the guidance on the Histopathology pages.
The same scoring criteria are used for both the self-assessment on Oriel and for the evidence verification process.
General information
This page will provide details of the domains, marking range and points available in the self-assessment and evidence verification stages of the 2025 Histopathology ST1 recruitment process.
Self-assessment score
At time of application, you will be required to complete a self-assessment score based on your own achievements in various domains. This is mandatory and you will be unable to submit your application without completing this. Please ensure that you answer each question correctly to the best of your knowledge. You must ensure that all questions answered within the ‘self-assessment’ are accurate at the time of submission.
When determining which response to select you should not select an answer based on qualifications not yet given, courses not yet taken. All achievements should be completed at time of application, unless the specific scoring section below indicates otherwise.
The self-assessment score cannot be changed at any stage between application and interview. Once you have submitted your application, you will no longer be able to amend the ‘self-assessment’ section of your application. Therefore, you should check it thoroughly before you submit your application.
The self-assessment information you provide on Oriel will be scored electronically according to the scoring system outlined below.
The self-assessment score will be used to shortlist if received eligible applications exceed interview capacity. Further details regarding this can be found in the applicant guide. The verified evidence score is then used to determine which applicants are invited to interview.
Guidance for permissible evidence/achievements
When determining which point score to select in each domain you should not select an answer based on qualifications not yet given or courses not yet taken.
All achievements should be completed at time of application.
Any achievements claimed must have been undertaken after commencing your medical or first undergraduate degree (achievements completed from school or before university are excluded).
A specific achievement can only be used to score points in 1 domain only. Please ensure that the achievement used is applied to the domain where the highest points can be awarded. Assessors will only verify the first item of evidence uploaded, as they will assume that this is the evidence most likely to score points for an applicant.
If you have more than 1 achievement within a single domain then you should select the one which would give you the highest score, and this should be the only achievement you upload.
If no evidence is uploaded in a single domain on the portal at submission, then the evidence verification panel will award a score of 0 for that domain.
Once you have submitted your application, you will no longer be able to amend the ‘self-assessment’ section of your application. Therefore, you should carefully check you have assigned the most appropriate score for each domain and that the required evidence is uploaded before you submit your application.
You will be required to provide evidence via the evidence upload portal for each declaration of achievement made in the self-assessment in your application. This must be uploaded by the upload window deadline of 8am Friday 13 December 2024. Further guidance on how to upload your evidence will follow in due course.
Evidence to support your self-assessment score can only be accepted via the dedicated upload portal. Evidence provided by any other means will not be accepted.
Each achievement can only be used to score points once in your self-assessment. One achievement cannot be used to score points in multiple domains.
If evidence for a domain is not uploaded to the portal before the deadline of 8am Friday 13 December 2024, then the evidence verification panel will award a score of 0 for that domain.
Verification process
All shortlisted applicants will proceed to the portfolio verification stage where assessors will appraise the evidence uploaded to confirm whether the self-assessed point score in each domain is valid.
If the verifiers feel that there is insufficient evidence for the number of points you have claimed in your self-assessment, they will reduce your score in that section to a number that they feel is appropriate.
Any instance of you trying to gain an unfair advantage by over-claiming scores for and/or exaggerating their achievements will be taken extremely seriously. This could lead to an application either being marked down, removed from the recruitment process, or, in more serious cases, could be reported as a probity matter to the General Medical Council (GMC).
Please bear in mind the GMC's Good Medical Practice guidelines on probity including "You must always be honest about your experience, qualifications and position, particularly when applying for posts." (GMC Good Practice).
Please note that it is your sole discretion as to which response you select in the self-assessment. Under no circumstances will the Recruitment Office be able to advise you which option to choose.
Patient Identifiable Data (PID)
No uploaded evidence should identify patients. This includes, for example, thank-you cards/letters from patients’ families. Hospital numbers are also an example of patient identifiable data. If you wish to include these in your uploaded evidence, please ensure that they have been anonymised.
Instances where patient identifiable data is found in an applicant’s evidence will result in a score of 0 being awarded and the applicant may be reported to the GMC and further action may be taken.
Other examples of inappropriate evidence would include identifiable minutes from a departmental meeting (for example used to demonstrate a local meeting) - these should be properly redacted.
For more information on PID, please refer to the GMC’s confidentiality guidance.
Summary of changes for 2025
Scotland and Wales presentations can now be classed as National presentations.
2025 Histopathology Training Self-Assessment Scoring Guide
The tables below outline how many points each achievement can score.
You must provide suitable evidence of all your achievements in order to be awarded points and this evidence must be uploaded to the Evidence Verification Portal.
Additional undergraduate degrees and qualification
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
Degree obtained prior to starting medicine – 1st class honours or equivalent (can include non-medical related degrees) |
3 |
Degree obtained prior to starting medicine – 2.1 or equivalent (can include non-medical related degrees) |
2 |
None/other |
0 |
Postgraduate degrees and qualifications
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
PhD or DPhil Doctor of Philosophy (can include non-medical related qualifications) |
4 |
MD Doctor of Medicine - 2-year original research-based or MPhil Master of Philosophy (can include non-medical related qualifications) |
4 |
Masters level degree, such as, MSc, MA, MRes (can include non-medical qualifications). Typically lasts 8 months or longer, full-time equivalent |
3 |
MD Doctor of Medicine - dissertation |
3 |
Other relevant postgraduate diploma or postgraduate certificate typically lasting between 1 and 10 months (whole time equivalent) You cannot claim for any membership examinations, or parts thereof, from within or outside the UK; this includes MRCP(UK). Qualifications unrelated to medicine cannot be claimed for in this option |
2 |
None/other |
0 |
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I have given a Histopathology related oral presentation at a recognised national or international medical meeting |
8 |
I have given a non-Histopathology related oral presentation at a recognised national or international medical meeting |
5 |
I have shown more than 1 Histopathology related poster at a recognised national or international medical meeting |
8 |
I have shown more than 1 non-Histopathology related poster at a recognised national or international medical meetings after being invited/selected to do so |
5 |
I have shown 1 Histopathology related poster at a national or international medical meetings after being invited/selected to do so |
6 |
I have shown 1 non-Histopathology poster at a recognised national or international medical meeting |
4 |
I have given a Histopathology related oral presentation at a recognised regional medical meeting |
6 |
I have given a non-Histopathology oral presentation at a regional medical meeting after being invited/selected to do so |
4 |
I have shown 1 or more posters at a regional medical meeting(s) |
4 |
I have given an oral presentation, or shown 1 or more posters at a local medical meeting(s) |
2 |
I was a significant contributor to an oral presentation or poster at a national or international medical meeting, which I did not personally present or show |
2 |
None/other |
0 |
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I am first author, or joint-first author, of 2 or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press) |
5 |
I am co-author of 2 or more PubMed-cited original research publications (or in press) |
4 |
I am first author, or joint-first author, of 1 PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) |
4 |
I am co-author of 1 PubMed-cited original research publication (or in press) |
3 |
I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of more than 1 PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as editorials, reviews, case reports, letters, etc |
3 |
I am first author, joint-first author, or co-author of 1 PubMed-cited other publication (or in press) such as an editorial, review, case report, letter, etc |
3 |
I have published 1 or more abstracts, non peer-reviewed articles or published articles that are not PubMed-cited |
2 |
None/other |
0 |
Teaching Experience
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I have worked with local tutors to design and organise a teaching programme (a series of sessions) to enhance locally organised teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students. I have contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately 3 months or longer. I have evidence of formal feedback |
10 |
I have organised a local teaching programme for healthcare professionals or medical students consisting of more than 1 session and contributed regularly to teaching over a period of approximately 3 months or longer. I have evidence of formal feedback |
8 |
I have provided regular teaching for healthcare professionals or medical students over a period of approximately 3 months or longer. I have evidence of formal feedback |
6 |
I have taught medical students or other health professionals occasionally. I have evidence of formal feedback |
4 |
None/other |
0 |
Training in Teaching
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I have been awarded a masters level teaching qualification |
5 |
I have a higher qualification in teaching e.g. PG Cert or PG Diploma |
3 |
I have had substantial training in teaching methods lasting more than 2 days; this could include a completed module which forms part of a postgraduate teaching qualification |
2 |
I have had brief training in teaching methods lasting no more than 2 days |
1 |
I have had no training in teaching methods |
0 |
Quality Improvement (QI)
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, and I have presented the complete results at a meeting |
10 |
I played a leading role in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, but I have not presented the results |
8 |
I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) using QI methodology, and I have presented the complete results at a meeting |
6 |
I have actively participated in the design and implementation of a sustainable change (i.e. more than one completed PDSA cycle) change using QI methodology, but I have not presented the complete results at a meeting |
4 |
I have participated only in certain stages of a quality improvement project, which has completed at least one cycle |
2 |
None/other |
0 |
Leadership and Management
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact |
8 |
I hold/have held a national leadership or managerial role in a non-medical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact |
8 |
I hold/have held a regional leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact |
6 |
I hold/have held a local leadership or managerial role related to the provision of healthcare for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact |
4 |
I hold/have held a local/regional leadership or managerial role in a nonmedical voluntary capacity for 6 or more months and can demonstrate a positive impact |
4 |
None/other |
0 |
Commitment to Histopathology as a Specialty
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I have completed a foundation year programme or extended period of training in histopathology |
10 |
I have had experience in histopathology lasting more than 2 days: for example, a taster week in a histopathology department |
10 |
I have had brief experience in histopathology lasting no more than 2 days |
6 |
I have had no experience of histopathology |
0 |
Histopathology related activities
Please select the option that most applies to you
Options |
Score |
I have completed a research project related to histopathology |
8 |
I have produced a presentation/poster related to histopathology and presented this at a national/regional meeting |
8 |
I have completed an audit in histopathology |
6 |
I have attended courses related to histopathology with CPD evidence |
4 |
I have completed an alternative activity related to histopathology that is not listed above and have evidence to demonstrate this |
4 |
I have not completed any of the above histopathology related activities |
0 |
Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024
Next review due: 23 October 2026