Paediatric and Perinatal PathologyPreparing for your interview.
You will need to book an interview slot using your Oriel account. Slots are offered on a first come first served basis and will need to be booked by the deadline stated in the invitation to interview. Further information on how to book an interview slot can be found in the Oriel Applicant User Guide.
Centre, date and venue
Virtual interviews on Friday 21 February 2025.
The documents that candidates are required to bring to the virtual interview have recently changed. Please bring the following documents to your interview:
- original valid passport
Interview format
A single interview station covering different criteria from the person specification and will last for approximately 30 minutes (subject to change).
Ranking, outcomes and preferencing
Following interview and ranking, you will either be deemed as successful or unsuccessful and will be informed of this via Oriel.
Preferencing of posts will be available prior to offers being made. The exact preferencing window will be confirmed nearer to the time. For guidance on how to submit your preferences please refer to the Oriel Applicant User Guide.
Offers, references and scoresheet release
Candidates awaiting results of Histopathology Part 1 exam will need to confirm their exam results by 9am Monday 26 May 2025.
Following initial offers being released, further offers will be made in subsequent iterations.
You will have 48 hours from the time of offer (excluding weekends) to confirm via Oriel whether you wish to accept or reject the offer.
References will only be requested when an offer has been accepted.
Scoresheets will be released to all on a specified date. The recruitment office will communicate this date to all applicants; therefore you do not need to request your scoresheets after interview.
Once you have accepted a Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology ST3 programme, your information will be passed to your accepted region who will contact you directly to complete the allocation process.
Further information on how to request a deferred start date or training less than full time (LTFT) can be found on the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages.
Next steps and roles and responsibilities
If appointed to London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex, your details will be passed on to the local training programme director around 14 weeks prior to your start date and to the first trust you have been appointed to 12 weeks prior to your start date. Therefore, you should not expect to receive any communication prior to this time.
Page last reviewed: 8 November 2024
Next review due: 8 November 2026