Paediatric and Perinatal PathologyHow to apply for ST3 Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology posts.
Vacancy, advert and application
Vacancy information is provided on the 2025 Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology ST3 advert on Oriel. Further information will be available at point of preferencing later in the process.
Applications will only be accepted through the Oriel Recruitment system from 10am Thursday 14 November 2024 and close at 4pm on Thursday 5 December 2024. Please be aware applications received after this time will not be accepted and there will be no exceptions to this.
Special Circumstances and Fitness to Practise
Please refer to the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages.
Reasonable adjustment/Disability confidence scheme
The process for 2025 is to request all reasonable adjustments requests at the time of your application and on Oriel. All evidence will be uploaded at the time you are submitting your application.
Supporting documentation - validity
You must provide valid documentation that confirms your disability and/or extenuating circumstances. In order to be valid, such documentation must be issued by a recognised authority and within an appropriate time frame.
For all disabilities bar learning disabilities, supporting documentation needs to be issued by a doctor on the General Medical Council (GMC) specialist register (this includes the General Practice (GP) register) in order to be considered valid.
The supporting documentation must do the following.
- Confirm your disability.
- Corroborate the rationale supplied for each adjustment requested.
For learning disabilities (including dyslexia and dyspraxia) valid supporting documentation consists of a standard report from an educational psychologist or University Disabilities Unit/Enablement Centre confirming investigation and diagnosis of a specific learning disability. No other documentation will be accepted.
Applications for any adjustments at interview will be made via Oriel. You will be notified of the outcome of your application prior to interview.
If you have a situation that has occurred post the application window closing, please contact us via the Applicant Support Portal to receive further guidance.
Eligibility and longlisting
The eligibility criteria for Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology ST3 is listed on the 2025 Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology ST3 Person Specification and all applications submitted will be assessed against this. Any applications not meeting the eligibility criteria will be longlisted out of the process and will not progress to the next stage.
During longlisting we will review all applicants General Medical Council (GMC) status, competency level and documentation, immigration status, career progression, English Language skills and fitness to practise declarations along with all other eligibility criteria stated on the 2025 Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology ST3 Person Specification. For further information, please refer to the Medical Specialty Recruitment pages.
Please be aware that by allowing applicants to progress to the next stage, we do not accept or confirm that applicants meet all eligibility requirements and applicants may still be withdrawn from the application process at any stage.
National relocation and travel expenses policy
See the national relocation and travel expenses policy.
Page last reviewed: 8 November 2024
Next review due: 8 November 2026