Overview of the General Practice and Public Health dual programmeBefore you apply to the General Practice (GP) and Public Health (PH) Dual Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) Programme you must check that you're eligible.
Important: Important
Dual programme posts will only be available through the dual vacancy advertisement.
You will not considered for dual training if you apply through the separate General Practice only and Public Health only vacancies.
If you are considering a career in General Practice and/or Public Health, you could apply to all 3 of the vacancies available.
- General Practice.
- Public Health.
- Public Health/General Practice dual programme.
If you submit an application to the dual vacancy alone, you cannot be considered for appointment to single accreditation training in General Practice or Public Health, regardless of your performance in the selection processes.
If you hold a National Training Number in General Practice or Public Health
If you already hold a National Training Number (NTN) in either General Practice or Public Health and wish to pursue dual training, you should apply to the dual programme advertisement on Oriel. You should not apply to the single specialty advertisement for the specialty you do not currently hold an NTN in.
If you apply for the dual programme, you will need to be assessed through the full selection process for both General Practice and Public Health.
You will be required to undergo and achieve the required standard in the full selection processes in both specialties. The selection processes for both specialties have changed in recent years following the COVID-19 pandemic. Scores from selection processes in previous recruitment years are therefore not comparable.
Machine marked test scores are scaled based on the performance of all applicants in the cohort, allowing applicants to be compared with each other. Scores from previous years would be based on the performance against the applicants in that cohort and therefore are not comparable with applicants in this year’s process. Therefore, applicants for the dual programme will not be able to transfer a Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) score from a previous round.
General Practice selection process
For General Practice, you will be assessed using the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA).
Public Health selection process
For Public Health, you will be required to undertake both the assessment centre (Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA), Watson Glaser and situational judgement tests) and the selection centre.
To progress to the Public Health selection centre you will need to:
- pass the MSRA
- pass all 3 assessment centre tests
- rank highly enough to be invited to the selection centre by right, for example, if there are 200 selection centre places, the dual applicant’s assessment centre score will need to rank in the top 200 in order to be invited to the selection centre.
Eligibility to receive an offer
To receive an offer for the dual programme, you need to reach the standard in each of the processes that would have resulted in you receiving an offer to each of the individual programmes.
You will be ranked on the basis of final scores which will be equally weighted between Public Health and General Practice with offers made accordingly.
Page last reviewed: 22 May 2024
Next review due: 22 May 2025