What is the general advice for candidates preparing to sit the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) assessment?
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) AssessmentAdvice and guidance for sitting the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) assessment.
Non-urgent advice: Information under review
Please note the information on this page is currently under review. It will be updated in February 2024 for the next recruitment round.
You can take a generic tutorial to familiarise yourself with the controls and screen layouts in advance. See Pearson VUE for details.
Papers are not negatively marked so make sure you answer all the questions. It is important to note that the marking convention for the PD ranking items means that even if a candidate were to answer a ranking item completely out of order, they would score a minimum of 8 marks for that question. Skipping or missing an item, however, results in a score of 0 marks for that question.
Read the instructions and questions carefully. There may be times when you would like more information to answer questions. Just give your best answer given the information provided.
The test specification for the MCQ assessments is similar to the MultiSpecialty Recruitment Assessment. For more information about the type and content of the questions that are contained in the PD and CPS papers, and example questions, please follow the links below:
Read the information carefully. If you feel you would benefit from revisiting some areas of knowledge or practice in order to be better able to show your capability, then you should do this before the assessment.
During the assessment, a glossary will be provided for terms and abbreviations used in the questions which are not in universal use or may not be understood by all candidates.
Page last reviewed: 3 August 2023
Next review due: 23 January 2024