Clinical Placement
Practice PlacementsFollowing satisfactory inclusion on to the GMC register with a Licence to Practice (LtP) and Medical Performers List (MPL), with conditions or voluntary undertakings, and after the doctor has taken and passed the appropriate Learning Needs Assessments (MCQ), the doctor will be allowed greater clinical opportunities and allowed to book and see patients independently, initially under Close Supervision. They will have the ability to request investigations and prescribe, which will be regularly monitored and reviewed by the Educational Supervisor (ES) and/or the Clinical Supervisor (CS).
FourteenFish e-portfolio
There is an e-portfolio for doctors on the scheme on FourteenFish, and doctors are encouraged to record their learning on this. This is reviewed by the HEE lead and forms part of the final assessment report (WPBA) submitted to NHSEI to allow final sign of from the programme and full inclusion on the MPL. This will also enable all of their learning activities during the placement to be considered as part of their portfolio for their next NHS appraisal, which is likely to take place between three and six months after completing the scheme. Doctors should use the e-portfolio for:
- documenting learning from tutorials and from any meetings, courses, or conferences they attend
- completing and reflecting on e-learning modules
- reflections on clinical encounters, significant events, complaints etc
Page last reviewed: 20 July 2022
Next review due: 20 July 2023