Academic Clinical Fellowships (ACFs) are clinical training posts that incorporate academic training.

ACFs across the 4 nations of the UK

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) Programme is a national initiative offering specialist training to those who can demonstrate that they have outstanding potential for development as a clinical academic.

There are a few NIHR funded ACFs in General Practice (GP) and Primary Care in England and some locally funded, NIHR-approved programmes too.

Programmes can range from between 2 and 4 years with 12 months protected academic time.

Applications for these highly competitive posts are made by completing both an ACF application form in the national NIHR application window and, where an applicant does not hold a current GP National Training Number (NTN), a standard GP ST1 application in the national medical recruitment window.

Applicants must demonstrate suitability for a clinical GP training programme through the usual assessment methods in order to be considered for an academic programme.

Eligibility criteria and guidance

If you are applying for an ACF, you will need to meet the criteria in:

Detailed guidance on ACF recruitment and appointment may be found on the NIHR website.

Recruitment timeline and vacancy numbers

ACF posts in General Practice are recruited to in the national NIHR timeline by individual NHS England (NHSE) local offices.

Details of the recruitment timeline and indicative ACF vacancy numbers can be on each NHSE local office website.

Page last reviewed: 8 March 2022

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