Whether you are an applicant or signatory, make sure you have completed your form correctly before submitting

Important: Important

Please ensure you check the guidance carefully to confirm the appropriate method to demonstrate your foundation competence. 

If you are required to submit evidence of competence, for example a Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC) or a Certificate of Readiness to Enter Specialty Training (CREST), with your application and do not do so then you will not be offered another opportunity to upload it and your application will not proceed to the next stage of the process.

The 2024 CREST form was updated in September 2024 to include an applicant checklist. Either version of the 2024 CREST form (last updated 2023 or 2024) will be accepted for 2025 recruitment rounds.

Prior to submission of your Certificate of Readiness to Enter Specialty Training (CREST), please ensure you have fulfilled all the requirements.

For your CREST to be eligible, you must ensure that you provide everything required by the checklist. It is your responsibility to ensure that the document is completed correctly and that all information is provided. 

Failure to do so could result in your application being rejected. 

Applicant checklist
Applicant sections Confirmed/Completed?
Applicant sections I have never started but not satisfactorily completed a UKFPO-appointed 2-year Foundation programme or FY2 standalone post Confirmed/Completed?  
Applicant sections I have completed the application declaration section of my CREST form, including listing details of posts from which evidence was used to complete the form Confirmed/Completed?  
Applicant sections My signatory is a consultant or equivalent Confirmed/Completed?  
Applicant sections I have worked with my signatory for a minimum of 3 months whole-time equivalent wholly within the 3.5 years prior to the advertised post start date Confirmed/Completed?  
Applicant sections I can confirm that my CREST has been completed in full with no details missing and I understand that an incomplete certificate may lead to my application being deemed ineligible for the current recruitment round.  Confirmed/Completed?  
Signatory checklist
Signatory sections Confirmed/Completed?
Signatory sections My signatory has selected either ‘Personally Witnessed’, ‘Evidence Received’ or ‘Unable to Confirm’ for each individual competence listed on my CREST Confirmed/Completed?  
Signatory sections My signatory has completed the declaration on page 4 of the CREST Confirmed/Completed?  
Signatory sections Where my signatory has selected ‘Evidence Received’ for a competency, they have completed page 5 of the CREST which lists the details of the individuals from whom they have received evidence Confirmed/Completed?  
Additional documentation checklist
Additional documentation Confirmed/Completed?
Additional documentation I have provided proof of my signatory’s current GMC registration or if my signatory is registered overseas, evidence of my signatory’s current (GMC equivalent) medical regulatory body registration, including an official English translation if this is not in English.  Confirmed/Completed?  
Additional documentation I have scanned and uploaded my completed CREST and proof of my signatory’s registration as a single document to my Oriel application Confirmed/Completed?  

Page last reviewed: 8 September 2022