We are anticipating a rise in the number of applications to medical speciality training recruitment Round 1 for 2025 which opens on 24 October 2024.

To make sure that we have the required capacity to meet the expected big increase in applications for 2025 we have been looking at options to manage this and boost available capacity to ensure applicants who need to sit the MSRA are able to do so.

It follows an unprecedented rise in the number of applicants for Round 3 which meant that applicants who had not sat the MSRA previously needed to be prioritised.  We expect this trend in rising application numbers to continue.

Additional capacity to deliver the MSRA has been secured and will be split across two windows: one in January and one in February.

Details on which sitting applicants are to be offered will be confirmed once we know the final application numbers.  We expect to have this detail at the end of November.

Should the predicted increase not happen, the additional second window will not be required.

Please be reassured that we will work closely with specialties to make sure applicants and the publicised recruitment timelines are not impacted in any way.

Page last reviewed: 4 October 2024
Next review due: 4 October 2025