A practice paper with answer key and rationales for the Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA).


Instructions - Web

Published: 6 June 2023 Updated: 5 June 2024 WEB

Section 1: Professional Dilemma (PD) - Web

Published: 31 May 2024 Updated: 31 May 2025 WEB

Section 2: Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) - Web

Published: 7 June 2023 Updated: 7 June 2023 WEB

Glossary terms - Web

Published: 7 June 2023 Updated: 7 June 2023 WEB

Abbreviations - Web

Published: 8 June 2023 Updated: 8 June 2023 WEB

Glossary terms

Published: 6 June 2023 PDF, 217.408kB


Published: 6 June 2023 PDF, 144.747kB

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