Ranking, preferencing and offers
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How you will be ranked, informed of your outcomes, how you will preference, how you will receive offers based on your scores and how references will be requested.
Ranking, outcomes and preferencing
If eligible, you will be invited to preference available posts on Oriel prior to offers being made. The preferencing window will be confirmed in the recruitment timeline. For guidance on how to rank/submit your preferences please refer to the Oriel Applicant User Guide.
Your ranking will be based on your overall interview score and the individual station scores. Scores will be collated from the interviews to generate one national ranking from which offers will be made to all available posts. Following interview and ranking, applicants will either be deemed successful or unsuccessful and will be informed of this via Oriel.
Offers, references and scoresheet
Offers will be made to successful candidates based on your interview scores/rank and availability of programme preferences selected. First ranked candidate will be offered their first preference. Following initial offers being released, further offers will be made in subsequent iterations until there are no appointable candidates to offer to. You have 48 hours from the time of offer (excluding weekends) to confirm via Oriel whether you wish to accept, reject or hold your offer. You can also choose to opt in or out of ‘Upgrading’ – by choosing to opt in; if a post becomes available that you have preferenced higher than the one you have chosen to accept, you will automatically be upgraded to this new post. Refer to the timeline for the various deadlines.
Reference reports are not used at eligibility checking or at the selection centre but will be reviewed by the perspective employing Trust after offers have been made and prior to confirmation of appointment for successful applicants. This will only be requested electronically via Oriel when an offer has been accepted. Guidance on completing references is available via the Oriel resource bank.
Scoresheets (see recruitment timelines). The recruitment office will communicate this date to applicants; therefore, you do not need to request your scoresheets after interview.
Page last reviewed: 16 November 2023
Next review due: 16 November 2024