Specialty Recruitment applicant guideIn the period between submitting an application and offers being made, you will be asked to specify your regional and geographical preferences in Oriel.
The preferences you make will be used along with final selection rank to determine which offer, if any, you receive.
You will have several opportunities to express your preferences throughout the recruitment process, as it is recognised that personal circumstances can change between the time of application and the time that offers are released.
If you have accepted or held a post, there will also be the opportunity to change upgrade options to allow a post/programme that was originally ranked lower than the offered post to become an upgrade option.
The order offers will be made in will be determined solely on the selection score and permissions to work in the UK, not preferences made. Your preferences will only come into play when you are reached in the ranked list and an offer is due.
Preference choices should be made solely on desirability of the associated post for the individual applicant, not the perceived desirability for all applicants. Ranking a less popular preference highly will have no bearing on when an offer will be made.
Interview panels will not have access to your preferences.
Important: Important
By ranking a preference, you are stating that you would be prepared to undertake a training programme in that area. You should not preference or accept posts you are unable to commence training in. This includes programmes that are in the No preference column.
If you are made an offer and decline it, you will be withdrawn from the process and will not receive any further offers for that specialty.
During the recruitment process, the lead recruiter managing your application will contact you to seek your programme preferences. Once available, you will receive an email inviting you to log in to your account on the Oriel application system and make your preferences.
Upon doing so, you will be able to see all of the programmes for which you are in contention and two sections into which you can divide these: preferences and not wanted.
You should move all posts you wish to be considered for into the preferences section. All posts you move into this section must be put into rank order. For example, the post you want most at the top as number 1, next most at number 2.
Should you be eligible to be made an offer, you will be considered only for posts you have included in this section, and you will be offered the highest-ranked post on your preference list which remains available.
Not wanted
By default, all preferences are added to the not wanted list. It is important that you move any preferences you wish to be considered for into your Preferences list. If you do not give any preferences, you cannot receive a post offer.
You should leave any posts which you do not wish to be considered for in the Not Wanted list.
If you receive an offer of a post and choose to accept or hold the offer, you will be given the option to be considered for offer upgrades.
If you accept/hold a post with upgrades, and at a later date one of your higher-ranked preferences becomes available, your offer will be upgraded automatically to the higher preference. It is possible to revise your preferences should your circumstances change and you now prefer another location.
Timing for selecting preferences
The timing can vary but as a guide, this usually starts around the time of interview and will need to be completed before offers can be made so this will be in advance of the first offers deadline; preferences are usually open for selection for at least a week to give you time to consider your choices.
If you are not initially made an offer, you will be able to amend your preferences. This will include reordering your list and changing whether a programme is included in your 'preferences' or 'not wanted' lists.
Changing preferences
If offers have yet to be released, or you personally have not received an offer, then you can amend your preferences in your application form at any time through enhanced preferences. Enhanced preferences allow you to amend your preferences at any time during the recruitment process, up until the upgrade deadline for the recruitment round.
Additionally, those opting in for upgrading have the option to review/revise their programme preferences. This gives you the option to revise the ordering of your preferences and change your mind about any of the available programmes; so if your circumstances change you can still compete for any programme up until the upgrading deadline. For example, you can:
- decide to include in your preferences programmes that you did not originally want
- move preferences to the 'not wanted' column (with the exception of the offer you are currently holding/have accepted)
- move programmes initially ranked more highly than your current offer to a lower rank
- move programmes initially ranked lower than your current offer to a higher rank.
Amending your preferences for a specialty when you have not been made an offer is completed in the same way as making your initial preferences.
Regardless of changes made by candidates to their preferences, a programme which is held or accepted cannot go to another candidate, regardless of how highly they are ranked, unless it is released by them.
There will be periods during offers when you will not be able to revise your preferences as the offers matching algorithm is being run so it is necessary to suspend the feature during these times. If you encounter this we recommend you try again later.
Page last reviewed: 20 May 2024
Next review due: 20 May 2025