Self-assessment verification processYou will need to provide evidence which matches the score you give yourself in your self-assessment.
Changes to scores
If the evidence you provide for the self-assessment verification does not match the score that you awarded yourself in your application, the assessors will review and correct your score as necessary. This may be up or down.
If the evidence you have submitted for a domain does not match the specific requirements of the instructions, or you have tagged your evidence to the wrong domain, or you have omitted to upload your evidence, the score will be adjusted to 0. If your score is altered and you disagree with that change, there will be a chance to appeal your score before offers are made.
All marks you award yourself in the self-assessment section of your application form must be supported by a piece or pieces of evidence that can be verified by assessors. This means any claim made, such as published articles, postgraduate medical qualifications obtained, needs to be backed up by at least one piece of documentation. Submitting any evidence other than those suggested in this document should be unnecessary in most cases.
You should upload the minimum amount of evidence possible for that score.
For example, if you are first author in 10 peer-reviewed publications as a postgraduate, please pick the two you are most proud of and upload evidence for them. Full marks are awarded for more than one first author postgraduate peer-reviewed publication, so we do not need to see every publication. You will not be awarded more marks simply because you have uploaded more evidence.
Please give each piece of evidence a clear title so that it tells the assessor what the document is.
For example:
- Domain 6, Presentation Slides: Your name. Year. Title of the presentation. Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference.
- Domain 6, Programme showing presentation at [Title of conference, date of conference, location of conference].
You may need to abbreviate longer titles, but please try to include the key details.
The assessors cannot second guess what you mean if your evidence is missing or unclear.
Please ensure you follow guidance provided per Domain regarding use of evidence to ensure you use evidence in the correct scoring Domain and do not use the same evidence in more than one Domain, where expressly prohibited. In such cases, you are recommended to use evidence where it will score you the most marks.
Please refer to the guidance under each domain for examples of evidence that is acceptable for each and upload the relevant documents for each domain.
If you have scored yourself 0 in any domain, you do not need to provide any evidence.
You must ensure that any documentation that is not in English has an official translation.
If you have changed your name, please make sure you upload official confirmation of the name change. For example, a marriage certificate or deed poll. You only need to do this once per name change, not for each relevant domain.
Please save your evidence as one of the following file types: PDF, JPG or PNG.
You must remove any patient-identifiable data (failure to do so could be reported to your employing trust or Responsible Officer).
If we consider that you have significantly over-scored yourself (awarded yourself 5 or more points than you have evidence for), we will make contact with you to investigate further.
- We will follow the NHS England recruitment probity guidance which may result in us contacting your responsible officer.
- We may award you with an overall self-assessment score of 0 depending on circumstances and after investigation.
Page last reviewed: 10 November 2023
Next review due: 1 November 2024
Related information
Find out how to complete the mandatory self-assessment