Competition Ratios
When considering which posts and specialties to apply for you should consider carefully the level of competition involved
You should be prepared to be flexible with your choices and think about the way that healthcare is developing in the future.
For example, changes in demography such as an increasingly elderly population and patient expectations are creating a rapid trend towards more healthcare being delivered in the community and in primary care settings within the next 5 years.
The competition ratios may help you make your decision by offering a broad indication of the most and least subscribed specialties and areas. They do not reflect recruitment activity for the future.
Competition ratios
2016 CT1 and ST1 Competition ratios
2016 ST3 and ST4 Competition ratios
2017 CT1 and ST1 Competition ratios
2017 ST3 and ST4 Competition ratios
Page last reviewed: 16 October 2023